Category Archives: Installation Notes

How to install Webmin on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS How to install Webmin on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS in How To Webmin is a user friendly and lightweight web-based interface for system administration for linux/unix. running on any browser that supports tables and forms (and Java for the File Manager module). webmin allows you to Managing and configure user accounts, Web server, DNS server,Squid server,DHCP server file sharing etc. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like

Setting Up LIRC on the RaspberryPi Setting Up LIRC on the RaspberryPi JAN 6TH, 2013 | COMMENTS June 8th 2013 Update: I have completed a soldered circuit prototype, complete with a full parts list and high resolution build pictures. Please read Open Source Universal Remote – Parts & Picturse to learn more. March 9th 2013 Update: I have formalized the schematic and parts list that I’m using and have made it available on Upverter. Please read RaspberryPi IR Schematic for LIRC for more details. March 4th Update: I’ve written a follow up post that describes

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