Category Archives: Keypad

I2C Library

I2C Library WiringPi includes a library which can make it easier to use the Raspberry Pi’s on-board I2C interface. Not all systems have the I2C development libraries and headers installed, and when you buildwiringPi, it detects this at build time. If you are using these helper functions and you get link errors, it means that wiringPi is not installed with the I2C helper functions. You need to install the I2C development libraries and re-build. Under Raspbian: sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev then

Configuring I2C

Configuring I2C I2C is a very commonly used standard designed to allow one chip to talk to another. So, since the Raspberry Pi can talk I2C we can connect it to a variety of I2C capable chips and modules. Here are some of the Adafruit projects that make use of I2C devices and modules:×2-character-lcd-plus-keypad-for-raspberry-pi   If you are using Occidentalis, then your Pi is ready to go with I2C as far as

Pi with a keypad matrix

 Pi with a keypad matrix Today we will see how to interfacing the Raspberry Pi with a matrix keypad usingRpi-hw library. Matrix keypad interfacing – Video The library provides the class keypad::matrix↱, defined in “rpi-hw/keypad/matrix.hpp”↱, with which it is possible to manage keypads of any size. Its constructor method takes two ordered lists containing the GPIO pins used by the device: keypad::matrix( { COL0, COL1, COL2, … }, // Column pins { ROW0, ROW1, ROW2, … } // Rows pins ) Let’s take