Fix, Temperature Error, Raspi

Fixing “VCHI Initialization failed” error

Add user www-data to video group. Below is the command,
sudo usermod -G video www-data
And then restart web server”


Changing Hostname

Edit below file and change the value to what you need.
Edit below file and replace the old hostname value against to new name.

Fixing “VCHI Initialization failed” error

Add user www-data to video group. Below is the command,
sudo usermod -G video www-data
And then restart web server”

Measuring Raspberry Pi CPU Temperature

/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp

Removing a package using apt-get

sudo apt-get –purge remove


sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
uncomment Banner and make the line as below,
Banner /etc/ssh/banner
sudo nano /etc/ssh/banner
enter banner text here.
restart shh

Find Largest 20 files

sudo du -ah / | sort -n -r | head -n 20

Youtube command line program intslall

chmod +x youtube-dl
cp youtube-dl /usr/bin/youtube-dl
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
tar -zxvf whitey-0.1.tar.gz
cp whitey-0.1/src/yt/
cd whitey-0.1
sudo python install
sudo youtube-dl -U

Repeat the last command several times until you see youtube-dl is up-to-date (2012.12.11)

Check Wireless Signal Command Line

cat /proc/net/wireless
To continuously watch signal strenth,
watch -n 1 cat /proc/net/wireless
iwconfig wlan0

What application is using the port

netstat -tlnp | grep 8080

resizing sd card to fill up the size using the pi itself

do df -h to list your partions note down /dev/mmcblk0p1.
do fdisk -uc /dev/mmcblk0
p to print table note down the available partions and start number of second partion
d to delete all partions except 1st.
n to create new partion. p for primary partion. give 2 for creating second partion. use the start number saved as first sector. Simply enter on last sector.
w to write the changes
resize2fs -p /dev/mmcblk0p2

Tar and utar dir

tar -zcvf prog-1-jan-2005.tar.gz /home/jerry/prog
tar -zxvf prog-1-jan-2005.tar.gz

Forceful Unmount

sudo umount -l /mnt/usb-wd/

Check Apache bandwidth in MB

cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | awk ‘{SUM+=$10}END{print SUM/1024/1024}’
cat * | awk ‘{SUM+=$10}END{print SUM/1024/1024}’