Quadrotors are usually controlled with two thumbsticks (4 axes):
- Left Thumbstick Up/Down: Throttle
- Left Thumbstick Left/Right: Yaw
- Right Thumbstick Up/Down: Pitch
- Left Thumbstick Left/Right: Roll
This inexpensive controller seems perfect for what I need it for, and there are some buttons I can use for initialization and other things. I could also use this gamepad to command, say, a certain mobile robot or a certain robot arm of mine. Or both. Simultaneously.
Oh, and I can also use the controller to play games on my computer. Which is, you know, its intended purpose. N64 Emulator, Anyone?
I looked online for some Python example code, and the easiest came from this site.
I modified it to make it more simple and global for my, and hopefully your, purposes:
Gamepad Module
Daniel J. Gonzalez
Based off code from: http://robots.dacloughb.com/project-1/logitech-game-pad/
import pygame
j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
print ‘Initialized Joystick : %s’ % j.get_name()
Returns a vector of the following form:
[LThumbstickX, LThumbstickY, Unknown Coupled Axis???,
RThumbstickX, RThumbstickY,
Button 1/X, Button 2/A, Button 3/B, Button 4/Y,
Left Bumper, Right Bumper, Left Trigger, Right Triller,
Select, Start, Left Thumb Press, Right Thumb Press]
No D-Pad.
Triggers are switches, not variable.
Your controller may be different
def get():
out = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
it = 0 #iterator
#Read input from the two joysticks
for i in range(0, j.get_numaxes()):
out[it] = j.get_axis(i)
#Read input from buttons
for i in range(0, j.get_numbuttons()):
out[it] = j.get_button(i)
return out
def test():
while True:
print get()